By Diplomacy Journal Lee Kap-soo
The Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Seoul unveiled a logo to commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Singapore and the Republic of Korea on Jan. 13.
The design, submitted by a team of students from the Korea National University of Arts, was selected as part of the Singapore-South Korea 50th Anniversary Logo Competition, co-organized by the Embassy of Singapore in Korea and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Singapore.

The logo is based on symbolic elements and colors inspired by the flags of Korea and Singapore, with the number '50' harmoniously placed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
To create the logo, Korea National University of Arts and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore held a commemorative logo design workshop over the past two months.
The two schools are sister schools, and the students shared their cultures and design ideas through cultural exchanges and dialogues during the workshop, building friendships with each other, the embassy explained.
The logo was selected from the submissions of the students who participated in the workshop and was reviewed by design experts and members of the two embassies and their respective ministries of foreign affairs and culture.
The logo will be used throughout the year as the official logo of the Singapore-South Korea 50th anniversary celebrations.
“On behalf of the Singapore Embassy, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the students of Nanyang Technological University and Korea National University of Arts for their creative and inspiring designs,” said Eric Teo Boon Hee, Ambassador of Singapore to the Republic of Korea.
"We hope that they enjoyed the competition and that it gave them the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the many facets of our two countries. Singapore and Korea are natural partners with a great deal of common ground, and we have much to be proud of in our close relationship over the past 50 years. We look forward to the next 50 years and beyond.”
South Korea and Singapore established diplomatic relations on August 8, 1975. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year, the Singapore Embassy in Korea is planning a number of events to showcase the diverse aspects of the bilateral relationship to the Korean public, which will be announced in due course through the Embassy's social media services.